Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hofstra Women's Rugby

This year the Hofstra Women's rugby team has fought their way into the Nationals, secured the title of Met New York champions in their division, and placed second in the annual big apple classic. Just last season these accomplishments didn't even seem to be reasonable goals.

Captain Jessica Wilson, 21, has been on the team for two years and says the team made the most progress in this time. "When I first started out it was intensely filled with drama," She says "It was hard to catch on quickly because they seemed to have their own problems, and we wouldn't really win any of the games." The growing conflicts between the senior players affected the game, prevented newer players from learning, but most of all created a poor environment for a fun sport. The team began to fall apart because of the lack of focus on the game.

Jessica went on to say, "I didn't really enjoy my season, but I stuck around because I loved the sport." Her mindset helped the team develop, and accomplish what was thought to be impossible. Her willingness to stick by her team demonstrates her dedication, and the change of attitudes in players to be more friendly, and goal oriented.

According to Wilson, this year "The drama cut down so much." Wilson attributes this to the new team, and rookies, and says that now "not only are we strong as a team, but off the field we are really close friends." The teams new standard for dealing with stress, and the willingness of the players to cooperate have allowed the team to "improve immensely" According to the newly appointed captain. This year "We've had more time to play together and learn the sport as one, in general we have grown as a team." The team practices biweekly for two hours, and each practice is organized carefully by the coach.

This new attitude has allowed the team to develop rapidly within the past two semesters. Wilson explains the team's struggle earlier in the year."First game was kind of difficult, but we just kind of got our stuff together and we played very strong." In fact, the team played through their fall season, and for the first time in the history of Hofstra Rugby, became metropolitan champions for their division. This accomplishment placed the team into a national conference, where they were eliminated in the first round against Albany. Jessica says, "we had a chance to go to nationals, and we almost made it. We played an amazing game and I wasn't disappointed at all even though we did lose." The team didn't end their success here, in the spring season, the team played through the big apple classic against higher divisions and placed second overall.

As of the spring 2009 semester, there are four starting seniors expected to graduate. Although the team has many rookie players, Wilson says, "I think there is always room for improvement in any sport, any team. I don't think one class can improve the way a team plays. I think right now we are going strong, and we can even go further with what we have done."

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on winning the game! I'm inspired that you and your team have greatly improved.

    By the way, you might like to check out this site - rugby league clubs. They are a great team as well.
